Tips to keep your company safe

13 March, 2022

If you own a business, you own something worth protecting. Fortunately, there is much you can do to protect your business from risks such as burglary, employee theft or property damage. Read on to learn the basic steps you can take to keep your business safe so your business thrives.

Choose and train your employees the right way

One of the best things you can do to protect your business is to choose your employees carefully. Have a rigorous screening process for new employees, including a thorough background check. If someone's past makes them seem untrustworthy, look for other options.

In general, if you have doubts about whether you should hire someone, don't. As long as you can find other qualified candidates, you will be better off in the long run if you spend more time evaluating other candidates who do not give you any doubts. Your business will be safest if you choose someone with whom you have no reservations at all.

In addition to careful screening, you should train your employees on how to prevent and protect against theft. For example, you can teach them how to spot shoplifters and then provide incentives to those who protect company property. With proper training on what to look for and how to address and report suspicious items, you will go a long way in protecting your business.

Provide secure locks at all access points

Don't just handle employees the right way, take a pragmatic approach to protecting your business from theft and damage. This means having good quality secure locks on every access point on your property. Carefully examine your property to find every possible place where someone could enter. If there is an entrance, it should be locked or otherwise secured.

Ideally, good locks should be double cylinder locks or, if applicable, steel padlocks. Well-placed quality locks are one of the best ways to keep your business free from intruders. Therefore, consider working with a locksmith to secure your business instead of finding and installing locks yourself. With a professional, you will get safer and more reliable results.

Do not give one person unlimited access

In business, you are best off when checks and balances exist, even for trusted senior employees. Even if an employee has been with your company for years or you consider an employee your friend, don't rely on that person completely.

Instead, provide safeguards that keep everyone safe and honest. For example, you could require people to check keys to sensitive areas or hand over valuable equipment. Vigilance can ultimately protect your business in important ways.

Install security cameras everywhere

Speaking of vigilance, consider installing security cameras in strategic locations throughout your business. Security cameras can help you catch intruders or thieves in the act. They can also help you keep an eye on your employees in case you ever need to monitor someone's actions. Additionally, security cameras can record crimes that occur after hours, so you can catch the perpetrators and ultimately get the justice you deserve.

Hire a security guard

While good hardware such as cameras and locks will help you, you won't find a better solution than a trained guard to look after your interests. A security guard can provide protection on the premises and respond to any threats in real time. Your business will be safer if someone is present to monitor potential problems and find solutions.

Contact Guardsmen Protect & Serve to hire a trained security guard. We offer highly professional security services for both businesses and individuals in many industries, including manufacturing facilities, retail stores, gated communities and hospitals. That's why we are confident that we can help you in any area.

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